Monday, May 18, 2009

Google Map

View Larger Map

Cara menampilkan Google Maps Selengkapnya »»

Monday, May 11, 2009

Install File tar.gz atau tar.bz2 format

Buka Console dan ketikkan perintah berikut,
pertama, masuk ke direktori dari file yang akan diinstall atau diekstak,misalnya:

# cd /home/echodock/Desktop


# tar xvzf file-anda.tar.gz (atau tar xvjf file-anda.tar.bz2)
# cd package
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Semoga bermanfaat. Selengkapnya »»

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cara install .rpm file

Instructions for Installing RPM Files Using AlienInstalling Alien
You can install alien itself from the Ubuntu Universe repository by adding the repository to your list of sources and doing:
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install alien
To install the .rpm file, you first need to convert it to a .deb file which can be installed on Ubuntu.
I assume that you downloaded the package to your Desktop (~/Desktop is the directory)

You can convert the .rpm to a .deb by using the following commands.

$cd ~/Desktop
-This will change the directory to your desktop, where you have the .rpm file.
$sudo alien -k name-of-rpm-file.rpm
- This will convert the .rpm to a .deb.
- The “-k” will keep the version number. Otherwise alien adds a “1? to the version number.
- Tip: Use Smart Tab Completion to avoid mistyping the file names
$sudo dpkg -i name-of-deb-file.deb
- This will install the .deb package

Try reading the alien manpage for more details on how to convert other kinds of packages and the options available. Selengkapnya »»

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